Remembrances: Bible Study

Remembrances: Bible Study

Fall started off with a rush this year. I think it was just wonderful to be able to gather again in what feels like a normal routine. Whatever the reason, we are gathering and we are growing. We added Sunday school Classes, Table Groups and more Bible Studies than ever.

Our Bible Study method, a manuscript style inductive study, has brought a ton of unexpected fruit to those involved. Perhaps we should have expected that opening the Bible together in depth week after week would change us even if we couldn’t have imagined how much. Here is a link to know more about the Manuscript Bible Study.

These men and women, gathering 4 different times during the week, are doing the hard work of showing up. They are putting their heads down to study the Bible and then discuss it. Above all, the Spirit of God is using the Word of God in the mouths of the people of God to change their hearts.

There are few things that make a Pastor’s heart happier than seeing his people study the Bible. I am grateful for you.

Keep it up and keep paying attention the work of God going on in our church. We are gaining ground.

Pastor Robert