A Prayer of Political Hope for Advent, week 1.
O Lord God of our salvation. We have cried out to you by day and by night, with the Psalmist. Let our prayer come before you again this morning. You are the creator of heaven and earth. You created man and woman in your image, valuable and equal. You created us to be in society and your ordained government to praise those who do good and punish those who do evil, even though it doesn’t always seem to keep to its calling. Justice does not prevail everyday and our hearts ache on the days when it does not. Today is one of those days. So, we cry out with the Prophet Isaiah, “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!” Convince our hearts of your sovereignty in light of your coming to be King at your first Advent. Convince us that you have things well in hand, just as you did at your trial in Jerusalem. Convince us to trust you with all of our hearts because of the glory you displayed during your coronation on the cross. Convince us to hope that you will make all things right at your second Advent. We ask this so that your heavenly justice would be seen to prevail over every earthly injustice, today and in the one day. In the name of Jesus Christ, our King and our substitute, in whom we have perpetual hope. Amen.